small and beautyful . indoor and outdoor . concentrate and communicate . work and relax . be sustainable and innovativ . keep in touch.
Info . Prices
Let's start with a brief reference to the most important facts and office infrastructure. We prefer weekly, monthly and long-term arrangements.
Hier das Wichtigste über unsere Büroinfrastruktur in Kürze. Wir bevorzugen wöchentliche, monatliche und längerfristige Arrangements.
Do not hesitate to contact us, tell us what you want - most of the time we are flexible enough to make it possible.
Treten Sie mit uns in Contact und erklären Sie uns was sie wünschen - häufig können wir es ermöglichen.
!!! Hello: We have 2 desks available starting 01. 10. 2023! Arbeitsplatz frei ab 01.10.2023! Thanks for emailing or calling. Danke für ihren Anruf.
excl.VAT, excl. MWST
Meeting 6 P.
Ask for either Sun Love or Pure Joy. or. . . Order 10 and your own desk will be for free! Hey that´s supernice, isn´t it?
It´s available, ask for ´Pure Joy´, steel & wood, created by Marina Mather, MM.Werk_Link below
Link below
We can also provide extra room for 3-4 people . Special arrangements for students on request.